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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | Powell Pumas Tale

I know, I know, that's not a topic you like. But it's a fact of life. And it's helpful. What? You saying that it's not? How so? It's review? Oh. Well, review is helpful. Many times there has been something that I didn't understand.When doing the homework, it all became clear. And that's just one of the advantages of homework.
What are the other advantages, You ask? Those include burning the torturous memory into your brain so you can remember it for a test, studying for a test, and torture for teachers entertainment. Well, not really, but it can feel like that at points. But it's all to help you learn. So, next time you get homework, just do it, and it will not come back to haunt you.

By: Robert M.

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Anonymous said...

no i hate homework it sometimes helps but sometimes they give to much

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