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Monday, May 17, 2010 | Powell Pumas Tale

So there are a couple sides to this story. Side one is against the idea of homeroom and are in favor of a longer lunch. While the second side is they favor homeroom for homework and school work. Well, Let me just say I hate homeroom!! If you didn't get that then read the last few sentences again. :) What do people do in homeroom?? Oh that's easy! NOTHING! So why do we have it? That I don't know. I know it might have something to do with homework but its not enough time, and you can barley focus in your work because everyone is talking! I tried doing homework...... it didn't really work out. The purpose of homeroom is not being fulfilled.

Since the idea of homeroom isnt coming through, we must have a solution and what's that??? Two words, longer lunch! Have any of you brought those microwavable lunches that take like 6 minutes to cook? Arent you racing to get to that microwave line and to eat lunch in time? Well longer lunches are solving 2 problems more time to finish, microwave, and wait in line for your lunch and avoid sitting for 15 minutes or so doing nothing. What do you think? Side 1 or Side 2????

Corina S.

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