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After school, but not related to school..... sports ! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 | Powell Pumas Tale

School starts so early, but ends kind of late! Then we come home to do homework, but also have to go to whatever sport we do..... if you do actually do a sport. Some people like me, I have dance 2 hours after school every other day, I babysit 3 times a week, and have to practice my instrument, and on top of all of that, I have all of this homework!:(
Maybe school could end a little bit earlier, and the teachers could make us work a little bit harder since the class periods would be shorter. Instead of having class periods 45 minutes, we could have them 35 minutes, then we could get home earlier, and have more time to do homework, and whatever else we have to do after school!!!!

By: Danielle R:)

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Powell Pumas Tale said...

One Problem: How many people can Hyperfocus for 35 minuets? (Hyperfocus means focusing super hard) This goes fo both students and teachers. I also think that the schoolday should start later so people can get more sleep

Powell Pumas Tale said...

Who ever wrote the comment befor his....... if the school day started later, it would have to end later!!!! That would make it so that we would not be able to have time in the evening for homework, and sports.

Madison L. said...

I tottaly agree! I play soccer and never have t ime to do homework!

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