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Tuesday, May 18, 2010 | Powell Pumas Tale

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| Powell Pumas Tale

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Refeltion sheets

Monday, May 17, 2010 | Powell Pumas Tale

Reflection sheets. Reflection sheets. Well this makes me think of all the time I've spent in the hallway. But then it makes me think of how many detentions i didn't have to sever over all PBS is an OK system. the only problem is that when a teacher makes you fill out a reflection sheet the teachers has to stop the whole class to give it to you sometimes this is more distributive than what you actually did. My suggesting is that the teacher just hands the reflection sheet to the student and keeps teaching. this would save class time and not create a seen.

Cool Cat (Robert D)

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Hollister ! (:

| Powell Pumas Tale

Hollister, a brand just about everyone I know has a piece of. Hollister is my favorite place to shop because they have everything, and its all cute! Hollister sells: Jackets, hoodies, shirts, jeans, shorts, skirts, shoes, lipgloss, cologn, perfume, magazines, cd's, bathing suits, tote bags, sunglasses and even more!!

Hollister isn't just a great place to shop its also a wonderful place to visit in California. Of corse the Hollister brand is based of Hollister CA. The wonderful beaches, great places to tan, swim with the fish. Hollister is full of great adventures waiting to be discovered. I must say it is a great place to visit ! But I have one question... Why are there only about 2 Hollister stores in Hollister CA.?

~Kendraa (:

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Easter Eggs

| Powell Pumas Tale

By now, they're all moldy and rotten if you haven't eaten them by now. Or are they? Probably not. In fact, you don't want to eat these. Why not? Because they aren't meant to be eaten! In fact, I'm talking about computer Easter eggs. What are those? Well, one definition is, "Hidden features of a game or system that are not readily visible to the user. Programmer's delight in adding these."
Google is a notorious prankster (PT!), and they also have lots of Easter eggs. Google earth, for example. The flight Sim used to be an egg. Also, if you go to mars and search MELIZA, then you can talk to a martin (by the face)! Also, if you search certain terms on Google, you might get some odd answers. A few websites that are completely dedicated to Easter eggs include http://eeggs.com/ and http://www.eggheaven.com/. Also, if you hunt around on your computers or video games or look in some of your books or movies, you may just find some.

By: Robert M.

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| Powell Pumas Tale

Trampolines are fun, jumping up and down and all around!! Many people say that they are dangerous, but i think those people are wrong! if you get equiptment to keep it safe, it is fine. As example you can get a net so you will not go flying.

The most fun you can have with a trampoline, is when you put a sprinkler underneath!Also while you are enjoying the water from the sprinkler,you can get soap and squirt it every where! it will be like a giant, bouncy slip and slide!:)With all this fun you won't even think about the danger! What do you think of trampolines?

- Brandy F.

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| Powell Pumas Tale

So there are a couple sides to this story. Side one is against the idea of homeroom and are in favor of a longer lunch. While the second side is they favor homeroom for homework and school work. Well, Let me just say I hate homeroom!! If you didn't get that then read the last few sentences again. :) What do people do in homeroom?? Oh that's easy! NOTHING! So why do we have it? That I don't know. I know it might have something to do with homework but its not enough time, and you can barley focus in your work because everyone is talking! I tried doing homework...... it didn't really work out. The purpose of homeroom is not being fulfilled.

Since the idea of homeroom isnt coming through, we must have a solution and what's that??? Two words, longer lunch! Have any of you brought those microwavable lunches that take like 6 minutes to cook? Arent you racing to get to that microwave line and to eat lunch in time? Well longer lunches are solving 2 problems more time to finish, microwave, and wait in line for your lunch and avoid sitting for 15 minutes or so doing nothing. What do you think? Side 1 or Side 2????

Corina S.

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